Patrick Tosenovsky
Doctor, Head of Department Vascular Surgery
Royal Perth Hospital
Vascular and Endovascular surgeon, Patrik J. Tosenovsky provides services for all vascular patients, sub-specialising in chronic venous disease, diabetic foot and vascular access. Patrik performs sub-specialty procedures including; deep vein reconstructions through keyhole surgery for patients with severe post-thrombotic syndrome, surgical management of extensive DVT, laser and sclerotherapy for varicose veins, micro-vascular procedures, including free tissue transfer for non-healing ulcers. Trained in Europe as a vascular and transplant surgeon, Patrik has practiced as a consultant since 2000. He holds a fellowship from the European Board of Vascular Surgeons, which he completed in Amsterdam, and a PhD in diabetic foot. He completed his FRACS in Sydney. Patrik has always been active in research and teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He is currently participating in an early stage clinical study in Western Australia that will look at innovative diagnostic tools for arteriovenous fistulas for patients on haemodialysis.
Research Interest
sub-specialising in chronic venous disease, diabetic foot and vascular access,deep vein reconstructions through keyhole surgery for patients with severe post-thrombotic syndrome, surgical management of extensive DVT, laser and sclerotherapy for varicose veins, micro-vascular procedures, including free tissue transfer for non-healing ulcers.