Simaran Pal Singh Aneja
Aneja Skin Care Centre, India
Title: Modified and simplified method of autologous non-cultured epidermal cell suspension transplantation in treatment of stable vitiligo
Biography: Simaran Pal Singh Aneja
Vitiligo surgery has come up a long way from punch skin grafting to epidermal cell suspension tranplantation . Non-cultured epidermal cell suspension (NCES) is emerging as a promising surgical solution for stable vitiligo refractory to medical treatment. The aim of this study is to report our experience of treatment of stable vitiligo by simpler and modified method based on that of Olsson and Juhlin technique of non cultured autologous epidermal cell suspension. 38 patients were treated between December 2012 and January 2014 and were under follow up for at least 2 years. 7 patients were lost to follow up and were excluded. Disease was stable in all the patients for at least 1 year . Assessment of regimentation was done and classified as excellent (>90% regimentation), good (70–89%), fair (30–69%) and poor (<30%). Out of 30 patients who came for follow up 21(70%) had excellent(>90%) regimentation; 6 (20%) had good(70-89%) ; 3 (`10%) had fair (40-69%). During follow up 3(10%) patients showed relapse of the disease. Autologous noncultured epidermal cell suspension transplantation is a cost effective, simple and safe method.