Monilethrix - of genetically deterministic pathology hair, manifested an anomaly hair of the rod, accompanied by it's fragility caused by the structural weakness of hair fiber in hair keratins. The most common autosomal-dominant type of inheritance (the mutations in keratins number 81, 83, 86). We observed the girls 3-years old with complaints on the hair loss, fragility of hair, inability to grow hair the desired length. The first signs of the disease showed up at the age of 1 - 2 months. The child was fourth by count in the family. Family history is not burdened, in both parents and relatives the violation of hair is not have been observed. Data about the disease in distant relatives are unknown. The child is somatically healthy. The hair on the head short, with the different length( 0,5-2 cm), dry, fragile, uneven painted on the back of the head and back side of the neck. Can be seen small nodules hyperkeratosis. When microscopy on the rods hair determined by the spindle - shaped thickening and waist. Recommended: products with a high iron content, vitamins A and E, gelatin, lotion with 5% urea, gentle care of the hairy part of the head with the exception of slip and trauma.
Conclusion: monilethrix has a hereditary nature of the long- and unpredictable course. Is important advocacy with parents in relation to the rules of care of hairy part of the head and smoothing of adverse effect of cosmetic defect on the psyche of the child.