Iona Weir
Decima Health Ltd, Auckland
New Zealand
Title: AtopisTM for the treatment of mild to moderate eczema
Biography: Iona Weir
AtopisTM, a topical natural cream, which has been developed to reduce the appearance and symptoms of eczema, a common inflammatory skin disease. AtopisTM contains MyriphytaseTM extract which modulates the skin immune system by regulating IL-10, IL-17 and TNF-α cytokines. MyriphytaseTM contains peptilipidsTM and isomeric flavonoids which have antimicrobial, erythema, pruritus and wound healing properties.rnTwo clinical trials have been successfully completed on AtopisTM, the first an open-label pilot study of 20 subjects (Weir et al., 2016) and the second a double blinded placebo controlled clinical trial with 61 subjects. Both clinical trials recruited healthy subjects aged 18-75 years with mild to moderate eczema, which was determined at screening. Subjects topically applied AtopisTM twice daily for 30 days on areas identified with skin lesions, and were followed to evaluate the efficacy of the AtopisTM in reducing the appearance of eczema lesions and reducing the symptoms of itching, scaling, and erythema.rnDermatological assessments for severity and size of lesions, and Severity Scoring of Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) demonstrated statistically significant reductions from baseline (20.61) to Day 30 (10.26) (P < 0.04) for the open label study. For the double blinded placebo controlled clinical trial, significant reductions from baseline (28.1) to Day 28 (17.5) for AtopisTM versus the placebo baseline (28.4) to (22.6) Day 28 (P < 0.037) were also found. Topical application of AtopisTM is effective for the treatment of mild to moderate eczema as it significantly reduced the appearance of lesions as well as symptoms associated including pruritis, scaling, and erythema. rn