Ylfete Shatri Mucaj
Gentiana GreLorGen Clinic, Prishtina
Title: Hyperpigmentation and their therapeutic treatment with (highway) magistral preparations and combined
Biography: Ylfete Shatri Mucaj
The changes in the skin in the form of brown spots (hyperpigmentation) at humans, pose an aesthetic problem but also more a health problem/issue. Hyperpigmentation is presented in most of cases in the face region, but they do not spare other body also. During my research and the treatment of my patients, in my professional experience I have gone through patients with hyperpigmentation with different etiologies. Hyperpigmentation have multiethiology (conclusion). In the most of cases, they are signs that indicate and support us to find many internal disorders of the body and organism, just as an ID reaction to many diseases as: Endocrine (hormonal disorder), fungal infections, autoimmune disease (Morphea), therapeutic (either systemic or local), application of cosmetic preparations, and combined. In the time period July 2010 – 2015, in the clinic “GENTIANA GreLorGen” in Prishtina (Republic of Kosova), there have been treated in total 378 patients for various forms of hyperpigmentation, from whom, 34 male (9%) and 344 female (91%). These patients, in this research have been categorized in groups based in the etiology: Group I: Patients with Endocrine etiology (hormonal disorders); Group II: Patients with Autoimmune disease etiology; Group III: Patients with Mycotic (fungal) infections etiology; Group IV: Patients with Local and systemic therapeutics etiology; Group V: Patients with Cosmetic etiology; Group VI: Patients with different/combined etiology. Depending on the hyperpigmentation etiology, beside the local therapy with magisterial preparations, proper field specialists have been consulted as: Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, Cardiologist, and Rheumatologist. In addition, beside the local treatment with magisterial preparations as personal cream: ALBA-HYNOGEN, ALBAHYNOGEN M2, LORGEN SUN DAY, PREVITA-GEN, DEPEOR-KET, DEPEOR-GEN, ITRA-PEN, LOTTI FLU GEN, JORA-XH, PERIORB GEN, ANTISEP-CONT, ANTISEP-V; Patients have been treated with additional physical therapy as: MKDB (Micro dermo abrasion) combined with therapy. Conclusion: Hyperpigmentation treatment requires a proper multidisciplinary research and diagnostification, depending on its etiology and appearance