Yan Zheng
Yan Zheng is a Professor, Chief Physician, and Doctoral Tutor. She has completed her Bachelor's degree from the Department of Clinical Medicine, Xi'an Medical University and Doctor's degree from the Department of Dermatology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University and did Postdoctoral Research for 2 years. She has published and received more than 70 papers, among which over 30 were SCI papers (Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Nature Communications, Experimental Dermatology, Immunology, BJD, Plos one, Dermatology, EJD, etc) and was quoted by the world authoritative magazine (Nature Review Immunology, the IF : 30). She is also the Reviewer of BJD, PloS One and IJD. As Deputy Editor or involved Editor, she has participated in the writing 7 books.http://dermatology.conferenceseries.com/abstract-submission.php