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Aziz Ghahary

Aziz Ghahary

British Columbia Professional Fire Fighters


Aziz Ghahary, PhD and Professor, the director of the BC professional Firefighters ‘Burn and Wound Healing Research Group has published more than 168 peer-reviewed articles some of which directly related to autoimmune diseases such as type I diabetes. Dr. Ghahary has been awarded more than 50 research grants from different local, national and international granting agencies. Dr. Ghahary is the leading investigator in identifying a serum 14-3-3 eta protein as a biomarker for early detection of RA and psoriatic RA and this test has now been launched by the Quest Diagnosis and Lifelab in US and Canada, respectively. Finally, he recently identified a small molecular with anti-scaring properties, which has now been approved by the Health Canada and the Vancouver General Hospital Ethic Committee to proceed to Phase 1 Clinical Trial.


Abstract : A new hope in preventing the progression and treating Alopecia areata